In April there will be three more new meetings on the teachings (dharma) of Buddha.
Topics are sent in by participants in this dharma group
In brief and in random order:
– practice of tonglen in connection to loving kindness and applying it in daily life.
– taking refuge in the smallest details of our daily life. And as a ceremony with the guru.
– meditations on emptiness.
– reciting of and impact of mantra’s, on body, speech, mind, and in non dual reality.
– Equanimity: techniques to maintain it day to day, Meditation to support and reinforce deep and unchanging equanimity.
– Compassion: practicing it without losing myself in it or crossing my limits.
– Phowa practice: philosophy, technique, time, dangers, practicing for others.
– Anger: Techniques to stop yourself in the moment, how to avoid reacting in an angry way in that moment?
On Tuesdays 9th, 16th and 23rd. From 8 – 9.30 pm. English time 7 – 8.30 pm.
Costs are 24 euro for three meetings. Subscribing for single meetings not possible.
Once registered and having paid you will receive Zoom code for three meetings.With recording and short summary as usual.