Dear friends, interested in the buddhadharma,
Some of you have requested to meet on some personal and beautiful suggestions. These are a very good ground for several meetings.
A. A brief overview: 1. mahamudra/dzogchen. 2. Mindfulness, what is the correct practice from a buddhist point of view. Compared to the (western) concept of being mindful of what you do, say and think. 3. Positive energy, obtained by merit, and the loss of them by anger. And the power of merit through dedication, practice and karma. 4. Reconciliation. 5. practicing the paramita’s: is wisdom a necessary condition for practicing them?. 6. Fear and fearlessness.
Possibly: Resistance and aversion: their causes, expressions, suffering and how to transform them into inner peace, bodhicitta and freedom.
B. I feel that 4 Online meetings might be a good number to deepen our understanding a little bit more. Also in regard to my agenda and the agenda’s of Santa Claus and Christmas time. We might possibly continue in January.
2. I propose the 4 Tuesdays in November, 7, 14, 21 and 28th. As always from 8 pm till 9.30 hours. And British time is 7 pm till 8.30 hours.
3. Costs as before: Total: 40 euro of 460 Kr for 4 meetings.
4. Participation is definite 1. as soon as you have registered through email directly to me. And 2. have transferred the payment in advance. Through my Paypal or bank account.
5. There will be a Zoom recording available for you. Summary not yet decided.
Hope this is fine for you,
Wish you well,
Sungrab Woeser
Sakya Monk
The Netherlands